Winter Wonderland

Imagine the harvesting season as your favourite musician, basking in the limelight on stage. In contrast, the winter rest period is like the sound technician, essential but often unnoticed. Winter in the vineyard, with its cold and rain, is frequently overshadowed by the excitement of the harvest. However, without this [...]

Winter Wonderland2024-06-21T08:46:08+02:00

Treat Dad this June

Wine blending has a history that spans millennia, originating from times when mixed vineyards served as a safeguard against the unpredictability of Mother Nature, prioritizing a reliable harvest over subtle flavour differences. This practice of blending wines was traditionally driven by the need for consistency and reliability. Just like [...]

Treat Dad this June2024-05-22T09:17:55+02:00

Honour the one you call Dad

Father's Day is a moment of celebration, a pause in our busy calendars to honour the one you call Dad. It's about spending time together, creating memories filled with laughter and warmth.At Lanzerac we embark on a weekend filled with timeless traditions, this Father’s Day. Gentleman's Tea, Saturday, 15 June 2024It [...]

Honour the one you call Dad2024-05-21T11:54:25+02:00

The Story of Pinotage

A good story has a powerful effect on people. The Story of Pinotage exemplifies this truth profoundly. It's a tale worth sharing, for it chronicles the journey of a visionary whose dream outlived him, sustained by the dedication of his allies. Through a series of fortuitous events over time, [...]

The Story of Pinotage2024-04-22T07:59:28+02:00

Make Her Count

Mother’s Day is a special time to honour the irreplaceable women in our lives, the ones we affectionately address as “Mom”.  It is no secret that a mother dutifully takes up numerous roles, and often, it is their presence that ties the family together like a golden thread.   Mom [...]

Make Her Count2024-04-08T09:54:45+02:00

Raise a Glass to the Golden Hour

As Easter draws near, we eagerly anticipate embracing a cherished tradition that embodies themes of rejuvenation, revival, and jubilation. Among the array of customs and ceremonies synonymous with Easter, one element has stood the test of time and adds a special flair to our celebrations: wine. Wine has deep [...]

Raise a Glass to the Golden Hour2024-03-22T08:04:52+02:00

Easter Lunch at Lanzerac

This Easter, celebrate the joy of being together. Gather with friends and family at Lanzerac for an enchanting afternoon filled with love, laughter, and a scrumptious feast on your table.  Manor Kitchen boasts the perfect setting to escape everyday life and indulge in re-imagined gastronomy created by our Executive [...]

Easter Lunch at Lanzerac2024-02-29T15:43:19+02:00

Moments with Lanzerac

Legend has it that the origin of Cabernet Sauvignon is akin to a miracle: a Sauvignon Blanc vineyard, known for producing white grapes, inexplicably begins yielding red ones. While reality might be less enchanting, Cabernet Sauvignon undeniably earns its title as the "King of Grapes." The grape's existence can [...]

Moments with Lanzerac2024-02-21T20:43:25+02:00

Photography Masterclass

Grow Your Business In Style with Shavaune PhotographyJoin Lanzerac in collaboration with Shavaune Grobler, from Shavaune Photography, and step into the world of professional photography where the shutter’s click isn’t just about capturing images.Photography is an art, a science and a business.  The workshop with Shavaune will not just recap [...]

Photography Masterclass2024-01-29T15:47:19+02:00
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